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How Do I Start To Be Healthier?

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

I Want To Be Healthier! Now What?

First congratulations for starting your personal journey to a healthier you! I know that may seem trivial, but it's a tremendous leap that most people do not see until they experience life changing health scares or see someone else they love go through a lot of suffering. Even if that's the case, then no judgement so welcome and let's get started. The term journey is appropriate since this is a lifestyle change and there's no right or wrong way of going about it. Journeys are just as diverse and exciting as every individual in this planet. Our minds and bodies are so interconnected that any improvements to any areas of our wellbeing will unravel the new opportunities and different methods as you begin to learn about yourself.

Visualize the healthier and happier you and write it down in a journal. What does that look like, sound like, smells like, moves like, thinks like, etc? Be creative and be as specific as possible. This may be a tedious task since taking a deep dive into ourselves may be uncomfortable. It always helps to think about a person or animal you love and talk to yourself in the same way you would to them if you were trying to help them out. Take a compassionate and loving approach on how you treat yourself.

Once you have a solid visualization of your future self, now make an assessment of what you're doing now. We sometimes take for granted the things we are doing now that are healthy. It's a way to systematically take note on how you are in major aspects that drive health. Journal on the following major categories: sleep, stress, mobility, cardiovascular activity, mental health, strength, nutrition, gastrointestinal health, and hydration. The notes do not need to be pretty or perfect; just specific. For example in the category of sleep, take note of how long you sleep, is it easy to fall asleep, how long does it take you to fall asleep once you get in bed, do you wake up during the night, do you have lucid nightmares, how do you feel when you wake up (are you energetic or fatigued), what is your sleep routine, etc.

Now you're ready for a draft plan. Take each category and write out action items that include activities that are positive and want to continue doing to negative ones that require a shift change. These notes are usually really helpful when consulting a professional in that field. It can indicate there are issues with sleep apnea or anxiety. These are issues that prevent the body to process efficiently and can minimize or compromise any progress you're making in other areas of your plan.

Why do this if all I need to do is eat better and exercise more? The brain is an amazing machine that's very good at keeping us safe and survive. There's a domino effect to how the body functions if the brain is chronically in a fight or flight mode. Is the equivalent of having a car with flat tires and you're only putting fuel in with hopes it'll run as normal. Writing in a journal can be overwhelming and scare some folks away but it's a good habit to get into. If this is not your thing then maybe play with audio files or make it fun having a friend or family member do this with you. I have an offering called Wellness Coaching that can help you sort through the initial phase of your journey. Would love to hear your thoughts if you try this out or feel there may be other categories to include!

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